Appendix Surgery IN AHMEDABAD
The Appendix Surgery procedure is a surgery that removes the appendix. The procedure has been around for decades and is one of the most common operations in India. Appendix specialist Doctor at Parth Hospital provide treatment for appendix.
The appendix is a small, blind-ended tube that comes off the caecum, which is the very first part of the large bowel (large intestine). In the vast majority of people the appendix is located in the bottom, right-hand quarter of the tummy.
What is Appendicitis?
Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, which is a small pouch at the beginning of the large intestine. It is usually caused by a blockage in the appendix that traps food, bacteria, and other substances, causing an infection.
Appendicitis is thought most often to be caused by blockage of the appendix 'tube' either by something stuck on the inside, or by swelling of the appendix wall. Blockage may be by trapped seeds, indigestible food remnants or hard stools (faeces) that get stuck in the appendix, or by lymph glands in the appendix wall which have swollen in response to infection elsewhere in the body.
If the appendix is inflamed and swollen, and cannot empty, then germs (bacteria) may thrive and cause inflammation in the wall and behind the blockage in the 'dead end' of the appendix.
It is most commonly seen when patients follow a low fibre (ie a western junk food diet) and drink less amount of fluids.
The typical symptoms of appendicitis are:
- Pain, often starting as a dull ache around the tummy button, getting worse and more constant over several hours and moving to the lower right tummy.
- Feeling sick (nausea) or being sick (vomiting).
- Loss of appetite.
- High temperature (fever).
- Bloating.
- Diarrhoea.

Appendicitis is painful, although the severity of the pain can vary. The inflamed appendix becomes infected with germs (bacteria) from the intestine. Once it becomes inflamed, the appendix gradually swells and fills with pus. Eventually, if not treated, the swollen appendix becomes weakened, and can burst (perforate). This is very serious, as the contents of the intestine can then leak into the tummy (abdominal) cavity. Here they may cause a serious infection of the membrane that lines the abdomen (a condition called peritonitis), or a collection of pus (an abscess) in the abdomen. So, if appendicitis is suspected, early treatment is needed before it bursts.
Although acute attacks may some times be suppressed with medication of intravenous treatment, not all appendicitis can be treated with medicines only and a lot of cases need surgery only.
Options available are Laparoscopic and Open Appendicectomy. Although, if there is a perforated appendix with peritonitis (infection and swelling spread to other parts of abdomen), a Laparoscopy Surgery might be needed to convert into Open surgery.
What does appendix surgery involve?
The Appendix Surgery procedure done by appendix specialist doctor typically involves removing the appendix, which can be done in an open or laparoscopic procedure.
Types of Appendix Surgery
1. Open Appendix Surgery requires a 3-5 inch incision in the abdomen.
2. Laparoscopic Appendix Surgery requires three small incisions in the abdomen.
3. A Laparsocopy surgery is superior to open surgery as it includes just 3 small incisions totaling less than 2 cms which will be cosmetically located and as good as invisible post healing.
4. A laparoscopic Appendicectomy will also mean faster discharge and early return to work.
At Parth Hospital the appendix surgery in Ahmedabad is generally done with general anaesthesia and can take up to 1 hours. The Appendix Surgery in Ahmedabad at Parth Hospital Best Gastroenterologist Hospital in Ahmedabad is safe and effective. The surgery is performed by Appendix Specialist Doctor to prevent complications from Appendicitis, such as peritonitis, which is inflammation of the lining of the abdomen.